for the love of formica

by Aug 7, 2017ModObjects0 comments

Cincinnati is world headquarters to many companies, among them Formica Corporation.  Formica was invented in 1912 as a substance to replace mica in electrical applicaitons, and was modified for many industrial & household uses.  Formica counters and carefree surfaces shot into popularity in the 1950’s and 1960’s and local Cincinnati ad agencies used area homes to not only feature and photograph Forimca applications, but installations of NuTone products as well (another Cincinnati headquartered company).  We have had the pleasure of representing many midcentury Cincinnati homes that were used in these ads.  Here is one we recently SOLD in Amberley Village as it appears now, alongside the vintage ads.  It’s no wonder Formica is such a revolutionary material – look how well it holds up after over 60 years of daily use! 


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