it was the 90’s…

by Sep 2, 2012ModTourism0 comments

As a follow up to our trip to Fallingwater, I could not help but share these “treasured” Rissover family photos. I like to think of myself as someone with classic (modern) good taste. I think my home proves that. I like to think my personal style does as well. More Audrey Hepburn than Lady Gaga. But these photos disprove that theory. For some reason, I thought it was not only a good idea to cut my hair like this, but bring this hideous outfit (oversized Aztec print shirt WITH shoulder pads and hot pink biker shorts) on our trip to Arizona. Notice how everyone else in the photos looks normal except me? What would FLW say?! Anyway, I like to refer to this series as “Kids, this is why you should never get a tattoo or do anything else that is trendy AND permanent.” PLEASE, enjoy a laugh at my expense. And of course, enjoy Taliesin West!

that’s me, holding the cute baby (kirsten, now age 20). not sure these shoes were ever in style! don’t even get me started on the shoulder pads…


that’s arlen holding kirsten. I think he still has that shirt!


so why does everyone else in this pic look relatively normal??

yes, it was 1992, but I really have no excuse. Believe me, now I think long and hard about what I am going to wear in vacation photos and whenever there is a camera around 🙂  This house, however, is fabulous! I would love to see it again some day!


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