hometown hero hans nuetzel

hometown hero hans nuetzel

hometown hero hans nuetzel Hans Nuetzel is one of the Cincinnati’s most notable modern/contemporary architects, but still a bit of a mystery to me because I never had the pleasure of meeting him.  I always thought there would be more time.  Probably because his...
chapter 35:  illumination

chapter 35: illumination

chapter 35: illumination   I’m going to come clean.  I’m the kind of person who likes to get things like toasters or vacuum cleaners as gifts.  As long the design is good, I’m perfectly happy to get something practical.  And things for the house have always been my...
calling all architecture geeks!

calling all architecture geeks!

calling all architecture geeks! David Smith and I have been busy these past few weeks working on the cf3 architecture exhibit for the 20th Century Cincinnati Show this weekend (Feb. 25 & 26).  Be sure to stop by and see all 3 of us at the show, either at the...