think you don’t need an agent to sell?

by Feb 24, 2022ModMarket0 comments

Everyone is asking us what the market is like now that we are firmly into 2022.  Here is it in a nutshell:  inventory is still historically low and because of that, you need us more than ever.  Here is a cautionary tale:

  • we had been consulting with sellers for several months and began photographing their house two months ago, over several photo shoots: capturing the front and back in the best light with blue sky, working around the sellers’ pod in the driveway, and photographing the interior once it was ready.  
  • neighbors know the house is going on the market (pod in the driveway may have been a clue), and one neighbor begs to bring their parents through because it’s ‘exactly what they are looking for.’
  • sellers allow parents to walk through the house.  What could it hurt?
  • parents have their agent submit offer directly to sellers, trying to encourage them to ‘save the commission’ and sell directly to them. 
  • Sellers think it’s a good deal, and call us to see if they should sell to parents.  We know inventory is ridiculously low.  We know we can list the house for more than the offer, and that it will likely go into multiple offers and get bid up. 
  • Sellers trust our instincts, and we list the house for $355,000, which is $15,000 more than the offer they received.  
  • We use our ‘smart listing’ marketing magic to give the house maximum market exposure.  We generate 10 well qualified offers in 2 days.  
  • Sellers choose the best offer.  It is $380,000 ($25,000 over asking price) and buyer agrees to take the property AS IS.  
  • Sellers NET $27,400 more than original offer, even after all commissions are paid!

With such tight inventory, homes are selling right away.  That’s no secret.  But there is no way for the average individual to navigate the market like we can,  reach so many buyers all at once to maximize YOUR return on your investment, and to properly negotiate to your advantage.  If someone comes knocking, or leaves you a note in your mailbox, chances are you can do better with us.  

Of course, it’s not just the money.  Our clients benefit from our expertise and our experience.  Getting our listings from pre-listing, to coming soon, to active, pending then SOLD is a complex set of steps we take with our clients best interest in mind. We supply all required disclosures, make sure contracts meet compliance, negotiate the best terms FOR YOU, communicate with the lender, appraiser and title company, and are trained to anticipate and deal with any glitches along the way.  

The average person owns 3 homes in their lifetime.  We sell an average of 40 homes a year, and have been doing this for 19 years.  Experience pays for both us and you.  As Arlen likes to say, don’t leave a car on the table!  Call us!  


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