cincinnatimodern south

by Jan 19, 2023ModLife0 comments

The true legacy of modern homes are the people who were raised in them.  Without even realizing it, early immersion in modern makes them look at the world a little differently and hopefully carry on the design aesthetic for the next generation.  When Arlen and I bought our first modern house, we noticed how children responded to it.  At Halloween, we’d hear “trick or treat – I like your house!”  How perceptive of them to notice it was different when it was often lost on adults.  When our kids were little and their friends came over, many commented on how cool the house was.  Some asked if we were movie stars.  Others noticed the minutiae.  “I like your spoons” was a familiar refrain.  

Our kids have been surrounded by design their entire lives.  As adults, all 3 are living in modern environments of their own choosing.  It does our hearts proud.  Our middle child and oldest daughter, Kirsten, is a DAAP graduate and designer in her own right.  She and her husband are living the tropical life in Miami, in a high rise condo above the Biscayne Bay.  Kirsten’s style is an eclectic mix of tropical modern Miami Vice meets MCM.  It is uniquely her with a little of her proud Mama’s influence thrown in.  A recent visit came with a laundry list of little projects for Arlen to help with.  The “hurricane proof” early 1960’s building construction is a challenge for even the smallest project.  Luckily Dad was able to use his extensive project experience  (see “in the beginning part 1, part 2 and part 3”) to come up with ways to properly mount shelving in the unconventional walls, and Cync by GE ‘smart’ light bulbs and wireless switches make overhead lighting possible without electric in the ceiling. 

So if you ever call and we are “visiting our daughter and son in law,” that is code for a little vacation recharge in this amazing space.  Spending time with Kirsten & Adrian (and their kitties) is a bonus, as is getting a healthy dose of Vitamin D.  Whatever it takes to keep us going through the Cincinnati winter! #realtorslife


project supervisor Swiper, making sure everything is in order with the new doorstops.  excuse the iphone photos – I didn’t bring my good camera. but you get the idea…

the every night real life view from their bedroom balcony!

taking a break from the projects to enjoy tacos in Wynwood


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