the cincinnatimodern blog
a sunshine day
It’s no secret that I’m a huge Brady Bunch fan. From the moment the first episode aired when I was 7 years old, I’ve been hooked. I’ve never not liked it, never not watched it for the past 50 years. I watched reruns after school when I was in high school. I taped...
the chicken or the egg?
Chicken or the Egg? Cart before the Horse? Buy/Sell or Sell/Buy? Ever wonder which came first, the chicken or the egg? If you actually spend any time thinking about it, it is quite a conundrum. Whichever it is though, doesn’t really matter at this point. We have...
the big picture
I am blogging today on behalf of my sellers – and sellers everywhere. These are trying times in real estate. I don’t have to tell anyone that. But I have a strange gift of being able to see the ‘big picture.’ I see the minutiae, but it does not mean as much to me...
the best of times?
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”, A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens “Potter isn’t selling, Potter’s buying!” George Bailey in Frank Capra’s ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ I have taken to quoting the above lines in recent months when discussing the...
the corbett house
There are several new MCM listings of note this month – kind of unusual for December. Ben Dombar’s signature masterpiece ‘Good Living’ is on the market again after selling a couple of years ago (see link to the left for more info on this fabulous home) – if you...
a crying shame!
In the summer of 2005, I got a desperate call from an elderly sounding woman from St. Louis who identified herself as Emily Pulitzer. She told me that she heard her childhood home in Woodlawn had just been sold to a developer and she was not sure if it was...
the MODERN blogs
I wanted to reinvent my blogging ‘career' by introducing you to two of my much younger and more energetic blogging friends, Chris Magee and Stephanie Labbe. Chris and Stephanie are both Cincinnati modern architects with interesting perspectives, and they are...
featured publications
research + articles
- thesis on the work of architect james (jim) alexander melissa marty, 2002
- benjamin dombar various sources
- abrom dombar various sources
- woodie garber various sources
- rudy hermes various sources
- dick calef various sources
- carl strauss + ray roush various sources
- and the rest
modern books
- 50 from the 50s: modern architecture and interiors in cincinnati udo greinacher, elizabeth meyer, susan rissover, patrick snadon, margo warminski, 2002
- atomic ranch midcentury interiors michelle gringeri-brown (author), jim brown (photographer), 2012
- implosion elizabeth garber, 2018
- charley harper, an illustrated life, todd oldham & charley harper, 2007
- about design: insights and provocations for graphic design enthusiasts, gordon salchow, 2018
- cincinnati's terrace plaza hotel: an icon of american modernism, shawn patrick tubb, 2013
some of our listings